Dragonball GT Domain

DBZ Complete Reviews
Leading Ladies of Dragonball GT
Voice Actors


   Hello and welcome to my website. My main goal is to provide the 411 on DBGT. The 3rd and 4th volumes hit the street June 3rd!
( * ) ( * ) ( * ) ( * ) Natasha ( * ) ( * ) ( * ) ( * )


    Now that Dragonball Z is over in America, we look at the beacon Dragonball GT. Many already are familiar with GT and some are not. Funi is giving American GT a whole make-over. Some hate the new theme song and the new music and the whole new outlook. I can't say I really hate it because I've never seen Japanese GT. Funi should put on it's best show so I'm going to sit back and enjoy. And enjoy it I did. -Natasha




Update  4/8/03  
     Many of you know Dragonball GT is coming out this April 15th, but what you don't know is something FUNi can not keep secret for long. I endure with FUNi and I think I do a pretty good job of it, but this can NOT go un-noticed for long.
    Now that I've got your attention, read this article I got from Beckett Pokemon and Anime: "After skipping the first handful of episodes of the series due to lackluster content (the skipped episodes will be released at a later date by FUNimation), the anticipated North American release of Dragonball GT is underway. The third and fourth volumes continue the Baby Saga.

    Goku, Trunks, and Pan discover the truth about Dr. Myuu and Baby's mission to conquer the entire galaxy. Thinking they're out of harms way, Goku and the gang continue their mission to collect the dragonballs. They discover a wounded boy and stop on Planet Vidal so that he may recieve medical treatment, but something strange is in the air. Baby is on the loose, and worse, he has his sights set on Earth."

    Now pay special attention to the first sentance if you already haven't seen the horror in this paragraph: "After skipping the first handful of episodes of the series due to lackluster content (the skipped episodes will be released at a later date by FUNimation)."

     I'm not sure what lackluster means, but I think it means boring. Now I haven't ever seen GT and I don't honestly know if the first part is "lackluster" or not, but boring or not I'd like to see the first part.

    I brought this info to your attention seeing as I thought you'd want to know and also I was very disturbed. Now if you are as disturbed as I am, I have FUNi's e-mail address if you want them to hear your comments. feedback@funimation.net.

    I really do look forward to seeing GT and I am really ticked, but all in all I wouldn't mind seeing SS4 Goku and Vegeta ahead of time. That article is on this site since I said I would try my best to get the 411 on Dragonball GT in America. If you have any comments or questions, please contact me at either one of these e-mail addresses: miraitrunksgirl2@yahoo.com and or Pan_rules@dragonball-gt.zzn.com. I look forward to hearing your responses.                              -Natasha

Update 4/20/03
    Hey yall. Sorry I haven't updated this site in a long time. I added another page. It's got voice actors and who they play in Dragonball GT. By the way, the GT episodes were kool accept that they put this stupid "Intro to GT" in front of the episodes. The next two DVDs of the Baby Saga come out June 3rd (Yes! Before I go to Australia!). I have a newsletter somewhere that says all the dates, but I'll have to dig it out. :| I'm also going to add more of my GT pictures. I got a request for more by a few people who say they are kool. I better get to work. Gateway tomorrow. (I HATE this Gateway! What is it a Gateway to anyways?) Later!




Elise Baughman voice of Pan in Dragonball GT!

ELISE BAUGHMAN, from Monroe, LA, moved to Dallas after graduating with her B.S. and M.B.A. degrees. After beginning her career in accounting, she made the natural progression into the wonderful world of actingwhere she now splits her time between improv, broadcast, film, commercial print, and voice over work. She has recently added voice work for Dragonball GT, Fruits Basket, and now the Seven Samurai to her repertoire.







Dragonball GT: Baby- Creation

    The most dangerous threat the galaxy has ever known has arrived! With the truth about his connection to Dr. Myuu in the open, Baby begins his assault on his most hated enemiesthe Saiyans! Meanwhile, Goku, Pan, and Trunks continue their hunt for the dragon balls. Their search leads them to a battered ship about to be crushed by the gravity of a nearby star! With a dragon ball detected onboard, the three Saiyans must risk life and limb to recover the powerful orbor watch the fate of the Earth fade away with the obliterated spacecraft! But wait! Someoneor something is still alive on the doomed craft!




Dragonball GT: Proliferation

Bio to come soon!
